I just updated my blog..about two weeks i couldn't open it hehe..i was so busy preparing my new life in university:) It was wonderful, enjoyable.. i really like my new life.. on August 2nd, I joined OBM ( Orientasi Belajar Mahasiswa) as new student in University of Indonesia.. we studied Information Literacy, IT-Computerized Media Learning, Learning Skill, Colaborative Learning, Problem Based Learning, and so on. the purpose of joining this orientation is showing us the life in university, the method, the academic system, the way to get perfect score, how we study, and something like that. this program was about 1 week..I really enjoyed this program especially the class.. G-6B!! HAVE FUN! I LOVE THEM ALL..May we can be friend together..:) on August 9th, the university program is choir rehearsal.. and now i am so busy with the faculty task OOOHHH NOOOO..but i believe God will bless me and my group.. we'll do our best..PSAF for Wednesday and Thursday! yeaaahhhh ohya, my Nederlan