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FWI Discussion: Last Forests in Small Islands of Indonesia

Friday, March 13th, I joined the discussion, held by Forest Watch Indonesia, Save Aru, Aliansi Masyarakat Adat Nusantara (AMAN), If Not Us then Who, If Not Now then When.

We saw how the community in ARU Islands (consists of 95 low lying islands in Maluku province) has fight for their right. Firstly, we watched movie, we saw their activities through this movie. Mika, the coordinator of Save Aru, public officer who encourage people in Aru. Mr. Mika asked blogger, photographer, musician, geographist, map analyst, to make some creation through music, blog, writings or photos about what has happened in their island in order to raise awareness, spread the news so that everybody know those problems. Mika is not afraid with the menace or the threat from the office as he is pubic servant. He fights for something he thinks it is necessary. He is not afraid of firing from his office. He keeps doing that. He often got the pressure but he keeps empowering the local communities.

The people and the ecosystem of Aru archipelago are under massive pressure. Investment plan from the big companies in plantation sector will open more than 75% land area in Aru archipelago. Social and economic changes are inevitable, along ith the forest clearing in this arhipelago country.-Forest Watch Indonesia. 

Natural forests. That’s where local community depend their livelihood. They can’t be separated with those places. Ecosystem’s function is on forest. The damage of environment makes loss of natural forests in that small islands. For instance in Halmahera from all of the mining licenses, 335 licenses were in the local community area. It’s a crisis condition. Small islands are dangerous to be exploitated, a lot of natural resources were there, if the regional government didn’t pay attention with those problems, there’ll be a food scarcity, water scarcity, the development of maintenance and facilities will not go smoothly. Some companies are competing to invest in this small islands. Could we imagine! For instance in Aru, principal licenses which was issued by Minister of Forestry in 2013, was rejected by the local communities. 85% people depend their life in their mangrove forest. At February 2014, the companies(let’s say MG) cancelled their investment.  

It happened as well in Mentawai. We can see that everybody fights for their livelihood, for their homeland. The local community have to know their right, one map became important for this case. If map explained clearly about the area, where it can be used for mining, where’s the forbidden area. People are aware with the menace that is dangerous for them. Sometimes, if there are several companies want to open the land for the plantation, they pushed the community to agree with that. The local community are afraid to lose their homeland. They stated their disagreement through the radio, in order to raise awareness, hopefully the government has to see the forests not as the commodity, but as a part of the community's life.

AMAN's interview with Mrs. Sandra Moniaga: KOMNAS HAM Commissioner

April 22nd

It’s Earth Day exactly! 22 April 1970, first the world celebrated this Day. May be we never feel the real effect of environmental damage, but our brother and sister in the forest, beach, or any part of this world. Taking part in this problem, we have to take care to our environment. Transform the world, start from us, the world needs all of us to tackle the negative impact of global warming.

Do the best, now, tomorrow for our better world.

It is not an investment if it is destroying the planet -Dr Vandana Shiva


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