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Menampilkan postingan dari Desember, 2012

Morning inspirations -Paulo Coelho quotes

Life always waits for some crisis to occur before revealing itself at its most brilliant. Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful. But not knowing which to do is the worst kind of suffering You are not defeated when you lose. You are defeated when you quit We have to stop and be humble enough to understand that there is something called mystery Live fully, love deeply, let go with no bitterness.  When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it Don't give in to your fears. If you do, you won't be able to talk to your heart One is loved because one is loved. Don't ask a stupid "why me?" You've got to find ur treasure so that everything u have learned along the way can make sense. There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure we pray with our feet and experiences with all sense that our entire life is one long journey to God.. never give up... working ha

a very beautiful song to remind that God is always with us

The God of silence beckons me To journey to my heart Where He awaits O Lord, I hear You calling tenderly To You I come to gaze At the beauty of Your face I cannot see To rest in Your embrace I cannot feel To dwell in Your love hurting but sweet To be with You; to glimpse eternity God of night, fount of all my delight. Show Your light . . . that my heart, like Yours, burn bright. Be still the torment of the night Will not encumber you, if you believe My child this darkness isn't emptiness For here I mold your heart Unto My image painfully you long to see The self you yearn to be, but fear to know The world from which you flee in Me find home All these I give you, if you remain in Me COUNTERPOINT: I am ever here My child, you need not fear The dark will set you free And bring your heart to Me I am ever here My child, you need not fear The dark will set you free And bring your heart to Me The God of silence beckons me To journey to my heart Where He awaits me.

teaser Magis last week

Yang kutahu doa itu tak sekedar mata tertutup dan mengucap panjang lebar. Yang kutahu juga pujian bagi Tuhan tak sekedar suara nyaring yang hingar bingar. Di komunitas magis kutemukan Tuhan ada di segala bagian hidup ini kompilasi dari aspek rohani jasmani Dia ada dan tiada pernah kita ditinggalkannya Lewat alunan musik pun kutemukan Tuhan dari senandung nada-nada yang harmonis kutahu Dia menemaniku Ketika nada mayor merepresentasikan kebahagiaan, dan nada minor merepresentasikan kesedihan, ingatlah tanpa nada minor takkan terbentuk sebuah melodi yang indah. Seperti itulah kehidupan. Tuhan ada dalam setiap lagu yang kumainkan dan kuyakin juga dalam tiap langkah hidup yang kujalani (  Esi Maria Anindita Nareswari , peserta formasi maGis Jakarta tahun 2011) Terima kasih Tuhan dan terima kasih Magis *** Dimanakah aku bisa menemukan Tuhan? Mari belajar bersama. It's time for maGis! Pendaftaran untuk formasi Komunitas maGis Jakarta angkatan 2013 telah dibuka! Daftarkan dirimu di 
teman saya Jerry (@karaprianto) yang selalu menginspirasi saya, dia sekelompok dalam matakuliah Wanita dan Hukum, tugas-tugas yang cukup ribet jadi ringan, sampai tugas akhir UAS dan akhirnya mendapat nilai yang bagus. baca puisi karangannya, karya kreatif, nonton sidang di Pengadilan Agama Jakarta Selatan. disambut ramah oleh orang-orang di Pengadilan takkan terlupa. Mba Inge, Bang Farid yang selalu menarik dalam mengajar. senangnya belajar dalam praktek karena tidak sekadar teori belaka:)*cerita sedikit ttg wahum* dia orang yang penuh talenta, jago design, jago bikin puisi, punya nilai sosial yang tinggi. To love the people, to become one with the global commune of fellow human beings Love is a revolutionary feeling that brings people together. True beauty radiates from heart, sharing the warmth of love to others If Pancasila seen as the foundation of this country. We are doomed. Poor foundation. If not, we are also doomed. No foundation. Pancasila should only go for th


5th semester, tasks, final test, finally everything is done... thanks so much Tuhan atas segala yang indah dan segala perjuangan yang telah kami lewati..Last post: sebelum UTS itu udah lama banget. haha banyak inspirasi dan pelajaran hidup yang saya pelajari lagi dari Tuhan dan manusia sekitar ini.. Ah, bahagia itu sederhana. Menemukan makna yang kadang sulit kita temui dalam rutinitas.. Segala yang telah terjadi itu indah dan bukanlah kebetulan. Tuhan sudah merajut semua kisah indah untuk kita masing-masing tentunya.. Merry Christmas anyway, this Christmas is so wonderful like everyday, I think everyday is wonderful too.. :) tapi pastinya suasana Natal itu membuat hati merasaa..ah sulit diungkapkan. intinya salah satu hari spesial dalam satu tahun itu ya hari Natal. Christmas is definitely MORE than gift. It's about us being present for each other, it's about the love to be shared. MERRY CHRISTMAS 2012 terima kasih Tuhan untuk semuanyaa