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Sweet 'Escape' to Incredible East Java

September 26-27

September is probably the hardest month during 2015, at least that’s what I feel. But I do not want to say it “the hardest” yet the most challenging :D Ijen-Baluran closed our month beautifully. Spending this beautiful crater and national park with lovable people, Mbak Dillo, Mbak Dian and Kania. Thanks God for giving us chances to see your beautiful creature in the east of Java.

It has been 4 months I’ve served in this IUUF Taskforce, it has been 3 months I’ve lived alone again at “kosan”/guest house, not in my lovely home, quite lonely but this is a new path which I have to pass. How the things are going so fast. September is the time when I began again my college life as well, but in the higher level, Master Degree. This was my third break since I worked at task force, after Cikuray and Jogja. Should have more breaks hehe. Working, studying, doing everything in the office and college is tremendously tiring but I enjoyed my everyday life. Couldn’t be more grateful.

Our journey to Indonesia’s Ijen Crater and Baluran National Park is the moment for reminding us that God’s creature is much more incredible. This wonderful crater and savana makes us realize that our life is created to take care of this nature. Probably, we haven’t felt the effect of environmental damage directly but if you see our neighborhood live in a such place where they wake up everyday with a feeling of breathlessness.

5.35. We arrived in Surabaya (direct flight from Soekarno Hatta at 04.00, it was a long weekend, so the ticket price was not really cheap, but not too expensive, the airport was full of people, but everything is alright: I hope Ijen and Baluran won’t be so crowded:). Mas Kuswanto, the one who accompanied us during our trip.

The journey took a little bit long time. But we didn’t feel it as we enjoy our togetherness, our short break from Surabaya, on Saturday morning to Banyuwangi.

Around 07.00 we had breakfast at Punel Rice Pasuruan Bangli. What an unique food! Everything is mixed with cocoa, chicken and cocoa, tempe and tahu with cocoa. The taste? so abstract haha

We stopped for a while at 09.00 at the rest area. The paddy field, corn field, and beautiful scenery served us with its own wonderfulness. “Pasir Putih” beach was our first stop. We enjoy cocoa! The route from Surabaya to Banyuwangi: Pasuruan Bangli-Pasuruan Glati-Probolinggo-Situbondo-Pasir Putih. It took almost 7 hours.

The weather was nice. Even it is a dry season and that day was so hot,  but we truly enjoyed it! Laughing, sharing with companion, around 15.30, we arrived at Ijen Guest House, we’re spending our time, walking around, enjoying His faithfulness. Flowers, river, nice weather, delicious food, there's nothing more we ask for. Grateful, even it was a long weekend, but Ijen was not too crowded. There were many international tourists more than the domestic.

my companions: Mbak Dian, Mbak Dillo, Kania

12 am, it had been Sunday already, we headed to crater. We had to go to catch blue fire! Around 1 am in the midnight, we arrived at Paltuding, Ijen base camp.  It was midnight we walked towards Ijen crater, stick together with our extraordinary guide, mas Kholil. He was our super guide!

We couldn’t see the route well, but I do believe it is wonderful. 

we had to use mask to avoid the smell of sulfur

midnight, the route to Ijen crater

Blue Fire, 03.00, taken by Mas Kholil

credit photo: Mbak Dillo and Kania camera, mbak Dian as well, thanks guys for capturing our moments

When the shines appeared, we were able to see! As we met many sulfur traders, they take very heavy sulfur everyday, from the crater, go up to sell it. Looking at them, we have to remember that each person has their own way to survive, to live their lives, we have to thank to God for all He has given to us. Keep struggling, keep fighting, avoid complaining, then we will know what life which God shows to us. Live life to the fullest. Even when you almost give up of everything, just remember, many people, within their limits, they do not give up for their lives. We met the one, young boy who sold the sulfur. He cannot talk, he cannot hear, but he understands us with his heart. We are able to feel what he wants to say. We bought what he sold to us, the souvenir from sulfur. How beautiful. That’s our purposes of our lives, giving and sharing  even when we do not have everything. Give and you shall be given. Not the money or material things, but your heart, your smile, your action.

The gorgeous scenery is unexplainable. The route was not too difficult. A hike in the early morning reminds me of several top mountains that we’ve reached, but this time was different. Not top of the mountain, but marvelous crater. It exceeded our expectations.
Ijen served us with its wonderfulness

Ijen 06.00

marvelous, isn't it?:) 

we're going back to base camp.

our way down

9 am. We’re heading to Baluran National Park. It was 3/4 hours from Ijen. Savana Bekol was the most popular spot there, 12 km from the entrance gate. We’re able to see bull in the mud, historical horns, a flock of deer, peacocks, chicken, many exotic animals, so beautiful. As this month is dry season, the grass turns its color into brown not green like we see in the rainy season. But still beautiful!


Love nature as we love God and neighbor. The greater our love for nature, that's the real sign of our responsibility to God. Taking care for the environment is our mission together.

A short break to Ijen and Baluran at the end of this month gave me the special meaning. The amazing and sweet escape that we used to imagine, now they appear in front of us. Keep looking for the meaning of our life, for every moment we pass, for every person we meet, for every time we live then we will have no time to regret. 

Each creature reflects something of God and has a message to convey to us-Pope Francis in Laudato Si



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