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3 February & 4 February: Norway Arrival

Setelah menempuh kurang lebih 17 jam perjalanan, saya tiba di Oslo. Bandara Gardemoen Oslo menyambut kami. Dengan suhu yang mencapai -1 (mungkin malam hari mencapai -6 derajat Celcius), sudah terasa semangat dan aura untuk mengikuti ISFIT. Karena acara baru dimulai tanggal 5, saya memutuskan menghabiskan waktu di Oslo dahulu sembari mengeksplor ibu kota salah satu negara yang indeks persepsi korupsi sangat baik (berada dalam peringkat 5 besar). Di Oslo, saya menginap di salah satu rumah PPI Trondheim, namun sekarang bekerja di Oslo. Mbak Hasni namanya. Ia tinggal bersama suami dan 4 anaknya. Keduanya dahulu studi di NTNU Gloshaugen, tempat conference saya besok.

Oslo, kota yang sangat rapi, teratur, membuat saya ingin terus berada di kota tempat King Harald V, Raja Norwegia tinggal. Rumah Mbak Hasni tidak terlampau jauh dari Bandara. Dari Gandermoen, saya naik kereta arah Oslo Central Station, National Theatre, dan berhenti di Sandvika Station, rumahnya tak jauh dari situ. Sandvika dipenuhi salju, begitu juga dengan rumah Mbak Hasni.

Tetangganya yang masih kecil bermain-main salju di halaman depan rumah mereka. Keceriaan mereka merupakan suatu awal semangat saya juga menyambut 11 hari ke depan disini.

4 Februari
God morgen! Today, I travelled around Sandvika in the morning before taking train to Trondheim.  Mbak Hasni served me very well. Also, her family warmly welcomed me in their house.  She cooked a lot of delicious foods for me! How nice she is. She also made me some sandwiches for my food stock hehe. We walked through some houses which is full of snow, we feed the ducks in the lake near the Sandvika Station. We walked through the freeze lake. I fully enjoyed this morning.   

snow in front of Mbak Hasni's house

Sandvika Stasjon:)

the temperature -1 until -5 degrees Celcius. 

on the way to station

Mbak Hasni's daughter

 Freezing Lake

Our spirit is getting bigger for ISFIT 2015!

Mbak Hasni, extraordinary woman!

We feed the ducks in the lake near Sandvika 

I said goodbye to her, I have to continue my journey to Oslo Station (to catch the train to Trondheim for ISFIT), but before that I stopped at National Theatre Station! Mr. Olaf, a kind Norwegian, I just asked him the way to get to Nobel Peace Center, but he took me there.  How kind he is! We talked each other, he said he wants to travel around the world by sailing and will come to Indonesia soon. I’ll wait in Indonesia, Sir. :)

I entered Nobel Peace Prize Center.

“The Nobel Peace Center is the museum about the Nobel Peace Prize. Our permanent installations tell the story of Alfred Nobel and the Peace Prize laureates and their engaged and groundbreaking work”-

Seeing Nobel Peace Prize Center, then I remember Aayat Alqormozi, the student peace prize winner, I’ll look her also in ISFIT, she’ll become one of our speaker. Can’t waitJ, I’m always amazed by people who always fight for peace, conflict resolution, human rights, etc.

Nobel Peace Center, Oslo, Norway

I also looked around to Oslo Municipal Building, Oslo Harbour and other beautiful buildings.  

Oslo Harbour

 In front of Oslo Municipal Building

Inside Nobel Peace Center

in the center of Oslo

Then I walked through University of Oslo, Faculty of Law. I think it’s one of the best places to study environmental law.  Norway is very good country to study, because education is free for students in university. Do the best and God will show the way:) I also visited Norwegian Royal Palace (Det Kongelige Slott in Norwegian Language, where King Harald V, lives). No maps, no GPS, only follow the heart and ask people. I also met kind people, Mr and Mrs. (I forgot their name). He is Norwegian and his wife is from Scotland. They are very nice people. J

Faculty of Law, University of Oslo

on the way to Royal Palace

Royal Palace, Norway

I kept walking through the centre of Oslo, Norway. Cathedral of Oslo, the next stop. I met Norwegian people there. He is so nice. He told a little story about this building. Thanks God for all nice people today. I put my pray and hope, after the Norway there’ll be a job which I can serve others in Indonesia. 

Cathedral of Oslo

take photos in front of Catheral

In the afternoon, Oslo Central Station became my last destination, I had to catch the train to Trondheim. I really enjoy my travelling alone today in Oslo.  That’s where I get to know myself more and more.  Se deg Igjen Oslo! 

I took the train to trondheim! A lot of beautiful scenery during the journey. I arrived around 20.30 in the night. Hallo Trondheim. Kak Karin and kak Loly, Indonesian who study Engineering at NTNU Gloshaugen picked me up at trondheim Station. I also met some ISFIT people who have already arrived in TrondheimJ They’ve made me some Indonesian foods. How grateful I am. I’ve just met and known them, but they’re so warm. God always brings us to good people.

We ate pasta, noodles, we shared a lot of things . Happy! 

Be thankful for the new experiences. The Lord has given this way. Always do the best. Life is journey, life is struggle. Keep going! 


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ISFIT Preparation

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