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February 5: ISFIT Day 1!

Great spirit is fulfilling me today. Eating, sharing, talking, gossiping about everything  in Kak Karin and kak Loly’s student housing, makes me forgot that I have to go to StudenterSamfundet, the place where ISFITers will gather. :P

Kak Karin and kak Loly took me to StudenterSamfundet. What kind of places is this? One of historical places for students in Norway, also for all of us. A lot wonderful things happened here. I’ll tell more stories about this places, just wait :) We took the bus. Because I haven’t registered in Samfundet, so I have to buy the bus tickets. Actually, ISFIT provides all of our needs, from accommodation, transportation, foods, bus tickets, during the conference. So, I think I have to go there soon, so everything will be free :) Just sharing, Norway currency is NOK (Norwegian Krone) 1 EURO equals to 8.XXX NOK. So, you can imagine, it’s very expensive here. I’m happy because we’re delegates of ISFIT so they’ll provide everything for us. :) Grateful.

snow in front of student housing

in the way to catch the bus to StudenterSamfundet

NTNU Student Housing, Moholt

with kak Karin

with kak Loly

 in front of  the lovely place, StudenterSamfundet (it is read with Norwegian pronunciation:)

We gathered in the hall, together with our workshop group. Meet with friends in our workshops and also our workshop leaders. I remember that time I met Elisabeth, one of workshop leaders for Governance Workshop and Luisa, a warm friend from Norway who is studying in Denmark. During 11 days I will be in same class with them. Blessed! 

Hi Ha Hu opened that day. This game is the main game in ISFIT. Very fun! J. I’ll show you how to play this. LaterJ  While continuing to play and meeting with new friends, we’re waiting to picked up by our host family.

One by one, Norwegian family where we stayed came to pick us up. Can’t wait to meet my Norwegian family. My happiness can’t be measured with anything.

After a long wait, finally my family came to pick me up.J His name Mr. Martin, he lived in Melhus, which is located quite far from Trondheim city and NTNU campus Gløshaugen, where everyday we had workshop. But, it is not a problem for me. Life is struggle, right? J Get out from our comfort zone, and we will know ourselves more. I enjoy everyday, take the bus number 38 and 501 with Moses. A little bit tired but we enjoy this so much! 

I am so happy to meet my new family. Mr. Martin lives with his wife Sofi, and their two children. They were very funny and beautiful, Luka and Eliie, they’re 3 years and 5 years old. I love my new family! My Norwegian family was awesome! I'll live with Moses, a guy from Botswana, Africa. He is a very kind and nice housemate. Actually, we'll live also with Gaby, from Philippines, but she has a dog allergic, and our family has a dog, so she'll move to other house. Sad. So, just tow of us will live in their home. 

Ah, my father in Indonesia also has the same name with my Norwegian Family, Martin. Martin Indonesia and Martin Norway. What a coincidence! :)

with Mr. Martin and Moses. Finally, he is coming to pick us. :)

take photos before going home.

selfie with Moses

on our way home to Melhus

Mr. Martin's house. Will be our house for the next 11 days. This is the third floor where we sleep.

Mr. Martin from Norway

Luka and Ellie, they're so beautiful:)

I put my ISFIT stuffs near my room

Sofi hasn't come home yet, because she's still working. Can't wait to meet her.  

We ate deer meet, wine, and other Norwegian foods for dinner. Delicious! Deilig! J

The children gave us ice cream for the dessert.  Happy day!

I, Moses, Gaby. Finally, we arrived at our host family!:)

Life is beautiful, we' meet with new people, we learn from them, there's always a reason why God makes us meet each other. His plans will be beautiful in the end. 


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