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Indian Mission to ASEAN: Soft Opening and Inauguration

April 13
Soft Opening Indian Mission to ASEAN

Today is one of India's first event as to begin a new mission to ASEAN. We have prepared everything for this event. Sending and following up all of the invitations. Here is one of the news related to our event.

India is set to officially begin a diplomatic mission in the ASEAN region on April 22 in a bid to boost ties with member states of what it calls a unique grouping of countries with high economic potential.

Indian Ambassador to ASEAN Suresh K. Reddy said India’s relations with ASEAN were very important because of the current economic potential existing between his country and ASEAN.

He said India had a robust flow of investments into Southeast Asian nations and vice versa.

“Our trade is healthy,” he said on the sidelines of a soft opening of the Indian Mission to ASEAN held in Central Jakarta on Monday.

Suresh said the value of trade between India and ASEAN was currently US$90 billion but hopefully could be increased to $200 billion.

The newly installed ambassador also said India and ASEAN were similar in terms of economic growth, which was led by the private sector.

“When we look at the strong economic growth of India and of ASEAN members, actually, there is a lot of potential to be tapped into,” Suresh said.

He expected to see more economic partnerships between India’s companies and those of Southeast Asian nations.

“So, there is a lot of synergy existing  between India’s private sector and that of ASEAN countries. That is one of our focuses,” Suresh told The Jakarta Post.

According to him, Indian relations with ASEAN were very important not only in terms of economic cooperations, but also because of long-maintained historical ties.

Suresh said that India was a country that historically had very close relations with all ASEAN countries.

“Our relations are not suddenly started today or yesterday. It is a relationship based on shared history and traditions,” he said.

Suresh further said that his country’s commitment to the ASEAN region had begun quite sometime ago, adding that it had been holding dialogues with the association’s members since the early 1990s.

“And today, our setting up of an independent mission to ASEAN is a reflection of our commitment to strengthening partnerships with ASEAN and with the people of the association,” he said.

“It is basically aimed at promoting people-to-people relations. It is for the benefit of our people.”

He viewed ASEAN as a very unique association of countries, saying that perhaps it was the only grouping that every major country in the world wished to engage with. (alm) - See more at:

almost two months, I served here. I learned a lot from all of them, H.E Mr. Suresh K. Reddy, Mr. Giri, Mrs. Anima, Mas Caesar, Dini, Mas Andi, I  love all of them. It may not the job which I am passsionate. But the best is yet to come. Let God do something beautiful to our life.  As my favorite writer Paulo Coelho said "Be brave, take risks, nothing can substitute the experiences."

April 23
Indian Mission to ASEAN Inauguration.

India officially began its diplomatic mission to ASEAN, inaugurated by Hon’ble External Affairs Minister of India, Mrs. Sushma Swaraj, in the presence of Secretary General of ASEAN H. E. Le Luong Minh; Director General for ASEAN Cooperation in the Indonesian Foreign Ministry H. E. I Gusti Agung Wesaka Puja; and Secretary (East), Ministry of External Affairs of India H. E. Mr. Anil Wadhwa at a function attended by Ambassadors of several countries, senior officials from the Indonesian Foreign Ministry and ASEAN Secretariat, and members from the Indian diaspora in Jakarta.

Today is becoming a reflection of India and ASEAN, to further commit and strengthen the relationship between them. As it is said in the press release, "The External Affairs Minister, in her statement, emphasised that ASEAN was at the core of India's Act East Policy and at the centre of India’s dream of an Asian century."

"Ambassador Puja conveyed the greetings of the Indonesian Government on the historic occasion and recalled the rapid progression in the relations between India and the regional grouping within a span of 23 years from a sectoral dialogue relationship to a strategic partnership."

H.E Gurjit Singh, H.E I Gusti Agung Wesaka Puja, H.E Anil Wadhwa, H.E Sushma Swaraj, H. E. Le Luong Minh, H.E  Suresh K. Reddy

Mr. Satya Tripathi, Director of UNORCID. It's an honour to meet him here.

with Jakarta Post and Rakyat Merdeka journalist (Mbak Ratna and Dylan)

I and Dini along with Mrs Zani and Ms Yanti from KEMLU

Mrs. Sneha K. Reddy, Dini and I

Hopefully, the five next year Action Plan of India-ASEAN cooperation will be more pragmatic and focused on the result. Good luck for India and ASEAN.


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