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Fighting the corrupt culture in the organization, held by Youth Proactive and Transparency International Indonesia May 15, 2015.

Mrs. Meuthia, sociolog from Universitas Indonesia (now she is one of Pansel KPK Srikandi) was a speaker at that day. Corruption in the office or the places where we work is becoming “usual”. The mechanism has been “arranged” systematically. Corruption happened due to the character or bad moral from individual which is from the organization itself. The higher position will give the bad action, the others will follow. So, the behaviour at the top level is absolutely important. They tend to be afraid if they don’t do what their boss is doing.

Mr. Ahmad Ramdani, lecturer at Bakrie University, HR practitioner from Omnividya. He told us to keep positive thinking as it is the best way for young generation, be part of the solution. When we will become “minority” in our society, what he means minority in this context is honest person. Honesty is “expensive” We have to be ready for facing the truth that some people may not like us.

In addition. Mr. Ahmad differentiate that the way birocrats think, they focused on the procedure, so that SOP (Standar Operasional Prosedur) is the main goal. On the other hand, the professional taught, the way to get the best result is the important things. Results will follow. The natural willing of people is looking for the “money”. That’s why this will impact to someone’s behaviour and become culture.

Corruption is the serious menace that we should tackle as young generation. 

Plan of Action to Implement the ASEAN-Australia Comprehensive Partnership

Plan of Action (PoA) is a form of ASEAN-Australia Comprehensive Partnership and it will be implemented in 2015-2019. It has been ratified during ASEAN Post Ministerial Conference with Australia (PMC +1) on August 2014. PoA began since Australia became ASEAN’s first dialogue partner in 1974. The dialogue relations between ASEAN and Australia developed in some focused topics for instance in political and security, economic, and social-cultural cooperation. Australia will put concern in ASEAN Community by 2015 and will take part to the ASEAN Community’s Post 2015 Vision as well. 

The parties will fully respect the domestic laws and policies in each country, as well as their obligations under international law. Political and security cooperation will be focused on building political dialogue and security cooperation, managing good governance and supporting human rights, strengthening the maritime cooperation, and enhancing cooperation in preventing and combating transnational crimes such as money laundering, terrorism, and so on.

Pursuing the implementation of ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement (AANZFTA) and building the engagement between ASEAN and Australian Trade and Economic Ministers are some methods to strengthen the economic cooperation. Finance, transport, information communication technology (ICT) are on the emphasized list which ASEAN-Australia will implement.

Energy and resources sector will be prioritized as well. Enhancing cooperation and activities, also promoting energy security through the development of renewable and alternative energy sources will be on the top of to do list in this sector. ASEAN-Australia will also develop the cooperation in tourism, forestry, agriculture, social cultural cooperation for instance education, public health, sports, arts, and culture.

Australian and ASEAN governments will take the plan of action forward through an appropriate review mechanism, based on the parties’ deal, referring to each country’s regulations and international law. 

March 22
Jokowi Visited Two Asian Economic Giants Countries

7 Days visited Japan and China, President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo, which was accompanied by Indonesia Foreign Minister Retno LP Marsudi, kicked off Indonesia's economic cooperation between those countries.

The main goal is improving Indonesia's cooperation with Japan and China, specifically in the trade sector and economic ties. Concrete investment and cooperation, which was related to infrastructure, seaports, airports, power plants, railways and toll roads will be the focused things, according to Mr. President.

Japan, ranked as the second-biggest investor after Singapore, has invested US$ 2 billion of the total $21.7 billion foreign direct investment in Indonesia. There’s still a lack of product diversification even though Indonesia-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (IJ-EPA) has been implemented since 2008.  

Japan’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry will follow up the economic cooperation during Jokowi visit, as well as improving cooperation in military training and technology, by asking Indonesia and China to sign the agreement.

Japan said about South China Sea territorial disputes as well. Although Japan has no territorial claims in the South China Sea, Vietnam and Philippines’ maritime patrol boats was supplied by Japan. Therefore, Japan must strengthen several agreements related to trade, investment, and defense cooperation, according to Foreign Ministry’s spokesperson. Japan and Indonesia agreed to launch a high-level bilateral maritime forum to expand cooperation in ensuring security at sea. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Indonesian President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo signed the defense cooperation pact that involve Japanese capacity building assistance for Indonesian forces, as well as bilateral cooperation in peacekeeping missions and defense equipment development.

Jokowi will visit China on March 27. He expects to strengthen the economic and military cooperation between Indonesia and China.

Xi Jinping welcomed Jokowi at Beijing

Issues of finance, industry, infrastructure, natural disaster management, and aerospace will be the focused cooperation between Indonesia and China. Two leaders discussed various bilateral issues and witnessed the signing of MOU for those topics as well.

Jokowi will prioritize the more concrete commitments like he did for Japan. Indonesia and China will celebrate the 65th anniversary of diplomatic ties this year. Following the two countries’ meeting last November in APEC, two countries agreed to make the cooperation more concrete, and it has achieved progress in all field, according to Antara news Agency.

The cooperation will be enhanced at bilateral, regional, and international levels. President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo intended to officially invite the Chinese leader to attend Asia-Africa Summit in Bandung as well next month. 

summarized by Maria Anindita Nareswari


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