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Menampilkan postingan dari Mei, 2017

Pancasila sebagai Acuan Penyelesaian Sengketa Pertanahan di Telukjambe, Karawang

Kami Indonesia, kami Pancasila. Semoga pemikiran singkat ini mengingatkan kembali pada landasan idiil negara kita, terutama dalam menghadapi persoalan bangsa kita.   Konflik lahan di daerah Telukjambe, Kabupaten Karawang, tidak kunjung selesai. Ratusan petani korban konflik lahan asal wilayah Telukjambe ini masih bertahan di Jakarta. Petani di daerah tersebut akan melaksanakan aksi kubur diri. Hampir satu tahun berlalu, lahan petani Karawang yang dirampas PT Pertiwi Lestari tak kunjung dikembalikan oleh Pemerintah. Agenda perjuangan mereka adalah meminta kepada Pemerintah agar mencabut seluruh izin HGB PT Pertiwi Lestari, termasuk IMB-nya. [1] Perwakilan 500 keluarga petani yang tergabung dalam Serikat Tani Telukjambe (STTB) di Karawang akan melaksanakan aksi kubur diri di depan Istana Negara RI untuk meminta kepada Presiden Joko Widodo mengembalikan mereka ke lahan pertaniannya dan mencabut sertifikat atas nama PT Pertiwi Lestari yang telah dinyatakan illegal oleh Kementeria...

Tegal-Bitung-Manado (again:))

The aim of this journey is to get the holistic mapping of the trafficking cases in the fishing industry. It started from Pantura, Indramayu-Tegal-Pemalang-Semarang, around the north of Java, and ended in Celebes. I just joined with the team in Tegal for 2 days and Bitung for 5 days. Maybe the detail of our work couldn’t be explained here. The lesson that we should learn from our research is that it is important to educate the crew before they will be sent to work in the fishing vessel abroad or in Indonesia. The recruitment agency should notice as well that they can sent them to the receiving country with the skill, competency, and other standard requirements. They should understand the law, language and other important things to protect them. The bureaucracy efficiency is an important thing as well. The problem when they want to work abroad is too many institutions that they should pass for the document requirements, we could say too many “doors”. It will affect that the ...