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India, 2016

The journey to India at the end of 2016 was tremendously unbelieveable as there were so many conflicts during the preparation, physically and emotionally. Keep asking God’s grace to make everything goes well according to His plans,.. and that’s true. Everything feels beautiful without lack of anything else.

I am fully happy and grateful for everything that has happened. For the kind and warm heart of Mas Suresh, Mba Sisil, Matthew, Venus, Mas Suresh’s family, mba Sisil’s parents. I love them as I love my family.

December 27th, I and my sister went to the second most populous country in the world. Transit at Kuala Lumpur, we waited for the flight to New Delhi. Arriving almost the late of night, we were picked up by mas Wawan and headed to where we stayed at airbnb in New Delhi.

For foreigner, we are able to change only 85 USD which is around 5000 ruppee. Perhaps, the aim is to keep the value of the currency in order to be stable.

In area called Agra, we could see many historical buildings, one of them is Agra Fort. Agra Fort, one of the historical fortresses, referred to as Lal Qila or Red Fort. 

Taj Mahal, one of the places I imagined, now I was on my way to get there with these lovable people. From Delhi city, it took around 3 hours. We enjoyed the cool air of New Delhi that morning. After hearing the explanation from the guide about the history of Taj Mahal, what kind of buildings and rooms inside, and what is the philosophy of them, we returned to our vehicle.

The gate of India (India gate). the recommended place to visit as well, we went there on our second day in Delhi. A pre-war memorial warrior of India who was killed in the battlefield against Afghanistan.

The atmosphere of the day was very crowded. War memorial in the heart of New Delhi is very amazing. We traveled to Qutub Minar, the tallest tower in India, built when Islam entered India. This brick tower is the highest with a height of 72.5 meters. Travelling around Agra is quite tiring as that day was pretty hot. We stopped in stores selling Indian souvenirs.

Last but not least, Chennai, 2 hour flight from Delhi, finally, we reached the city in the South of India, another gorgeous city on our last two days. The history tour that mas Suresh's family offered is very, very marvelous. Mahabalipuram, Shoretemple and other magnificient places. Thanks God for everything.

My wish is to come back here again with my parents.

... and I dedicated this special day to this wonderful family, who have made my days become so incredible. My every reason to keep fighting for all my dreams. My every reason to know how beautiful God’s grace even though the obstacles in this life are so harmful. My every reason to smile, be happy, and learn to be more mature.

Thanks for teaching me the meaning of love, wisdom, forgiveness, sacrifice and always be happy and grateful in the middle of sorrow.

It is such a blessing from God that He has sent all of you to me and my family.

with Venus 
on the way to Agra

Mrs Vanasundari and husband, mas Suresh' parents

arrived at Agra

Taj Mahal

best food

Agra Marble

situation around Agra

with this vehicle, they can take you around Agra

India Gate: Mas Suresh Parents, Mars/Matthew, Venus, Nindi


Qutub Minar

Delhi city, near Parliamentary Building

Katedral Delhi

Mars and Venus

Mba Sisil parents

Mas Suresh and Mba Sisil, our brother and sister from another mom and dad:)


became Indian :p


mix Catholic with Hindu

another part of Qutub Minar


Laksmi, Nareswari, and Ibu Lasmi

Bajaj originally from India

our food almost everyday


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