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February 12: ISFIT Day 8!

God morgen!

We have been together for almost 8 days. How time flies so fast. I don’t want to finish this. I’m happy with ISFITers, with my workshop group, with all nice people, with my family (although we rarely have time together, because they have to go working in the morning, so do I, so we have a lack of family time. I and Moses always go home very late, almost every night :) But they still always take care of us. We love Martin and Sofi, so much!  

Today’s discussion started at 9 pm. The discussion is about finding 3 ways to prevent corruption by 50%. Each workshop has to decide 3 solutions and it will be presented in ISFIT Parliament for tomorrow.

In the afternoon, after having lunch (ah, I forgot to tell about food in Norway). It’s totally different with Indonesia (of course it is :p) But I like it especially the dinner menu. In the morning and afternoon, we usually eat bread with chesse, chicken, and vegetables. In Indonesia, I eat rice in the morning, afternoon, and evening. Hehe. But it’s not difficult for me to adapt with food. I’ve been in Europe and South America, so I don’t have problem with that.

Okay back to the topic, we discuss for the solutions. We pay concern on media, protection for whistle blower, anti-corruption education in formal and non-formal education, but a lot of suggestions are discussed. We have to choose one person as our representative for ISFIT Parliament. We choose Paul, so he’ll become governance workshop’s representative. Good luck Paul!

Gerald Barebee, the speaker of yesterday plenary session, came to Media and Governance workshop. He shared us his experiences how the media can participate in fighting corruption. Media has to take risks for the information that they release.  In the middle of conflict of interest, can the media be a source of reliable information, independent, free from any interference?

with Gerald, Uganda journalist, we also discussed about TEMPO, one of Indonesia magazine. He has a lot of Indonesian journalist friends. 

we played today:) 
one person drew picture of us, and other person will continue. How funny!
this is a picture of me. 

Wonderful Day! Tonight, we’ll have a walk of peace. It is a tradition in ISFIT, Torchlight Parade to honor the Peace Prize winner. 
photo: by Dala.

 Governance is ready for walk of peace.

Debora, me, Louise

Hazal, Debora, me

me - Dala
photo by: Abshar

In the middle of our walk, while reflecting what young people from all over the world have done, fighting and struggle with their own way, they make something which have great impact for their society. One of them is Aayat Alqormozi.

We touched down the Trondheim city. Trondheim in the night was very cold. I will miss the weather like this. We’re walking with our thinking. Some reflections is fufilling my mind. I was walking with Debora and Lupe, my workshop group. We (all ISFIT participants) hold the torch, makes us warm this night. Debora always reminded me not to walk too fast, just enjoy the night, enjoy the walk. Totally true, I think. Keep walking while reflecting.  

More photos: @ISFIT

Finally, we arrived in Olavshallen. I was very sleepy at that time, so I didn’t focus on some great events, the beautiful music, awards to Aayat. So tired, but keep the spirit! Student Peace Prize Ceremony was about to begin!

Lamees and Paul at the ceremony 

Trondheim symphony orchestra opened the ceremony. Basically, I do love classical music, so Trondheim symphony orchestra is one of the best performance in ISFIT for me hehe, in any kind of ISFIT event. I feel so grateful I can watch them love, for free. Someday, I have to buy ticket for their performance because I’m not ISFIT participant anymore :P.

Student Peace Prize 2011 laureate Duško Kostić speaks to the audience. TKS and TSS sing Baba Yetu at the ceremony. I really love this song!

This song: (in ISFIT 2013, I haven’t found yet the video when TKS TSS sing Baba Yetu in ISFIT 2015)

The time when Aayat is finally awarded Student Peace Price 2015! Congratulation Aayat! You’re so incredible. We hope we can do some things like you do with our own way. 

We have to go home. I didn’t join the silent night in Nidaros Cathedral because I live quite far from the city, so I have to meet my family soon. Thanks God for this wonderful day!  Looking forward for tomorrow.

[to be continued]


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