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February 6: ISFIT Day 2!

I've told several times in my blog post, that basically I do not feel confident with myself. I have many weaknesses. But God gives this opportunity. Today I begin a new journey for my life. Keep trying, do not give up for everything.  It seems difficult in the beginning, but keep up the spirit. 

Today, we met at 09.00 at Seven Eleven near Studenter-Samfundet. We walked for a while to the building where actually we have workshops, a part of NTNU building. We started our day with introduction, like we shared what we feel, our expectation in ISFIT, hopes, dreams then we said “Check-In”. Check-In is a must in ISFIT J Before we started our activities today, we always do that. Reflection is a must:)

on the way to our building

Introduction! Our workshop leaders introduced themselves.

Next, our turn to introduce ourselves :D 

Oya, first let me introduce my Governance family members, friends who officially become my family, starts from today, during ISFIT and I hope forever J

Workshop Leader:

Lamees-Saudi Arabia

I really love them :)

Second day has begun! We discussed about the question we really want to ask to Dalai Lama. Our group thought about the relation between fighting corruption and how to apply it to ourselves. We are divided into 5 groups. Then, we have to choose one question, to represent our workshop.

my group: Lamees, Lupe, Romeo, Artan

Josipa, Slava, Munya, Artan, Dala 
(my friend from Indo although we just met once in Norwegian Embassy, when we applied for visa. Now, we become close friends. I'm so happy we're in the same class.:)

in our lunch break. Selfie with Dala's phone. (most of our selfie photos were taken by Dala and Arqum phone btw. Thanks Dala and Arqum :)

Dala, Romeo, Aartan, Hazal

Dala, Juan, Romeo, Artan, Anja, Hazal

Karla, from Peru. She's Dea Jessica's friend (my senior high school best friend). What a small world! She is studying in St. Olaf, Minnesota, same with Dea. Also alumni of UWC.

Final question from our class is “What is your opinion on building governmental systems with religion as its fundamental basis?” The question will be asked next week when we’ll have session with Dalai Lama. 

Situation of our class
Governance Democracy Class! 

After lunch, we discussed about corruption, the key when we talked about this issues, what does it relate to. 

We try to breakdown, any matters related to corruption and governance. Learning with them was very pleasant. Makes me think hard, makes me try to learn more, remembering that I still have lack of knowledge. I learn a lot from my friends. Anyway, it is my first experience attended a kind of international conference, about corruption, international issue, global issue, political, social, etc. (actually I had attended some, but totally different with ISFIT). I forced myself to learn more and more.

Transparency, embezzlement, nepotism, bribery, bureaucracy, accountability, impunity, law enforcement, greed, integrity etc

 After session, we'll have dinner in the different building. In the night, we'll have ISFIT opening ceremony! Can't wait

Our selfie! Thanks Dala for the photos

NTNU Gloshaugen in the evening, before having dinner! 

NTNU Gloshaugen, seems like Hogwarts, doesn't it?:)

in front of NTNU Gloshaugen

Our dinner! 

The opening ceremony has already begun! StudenterSamfundet Hall is full of people who wear their traditional costumes from all over the world! How beautiful:)

We watched video about ISFIT and its history. Ola Ronning, MC, is very inspiring and he's really amusing all of us. 

ISFiT President Marius Jones officially opened the festival with a speech detailing his vision on the future that the participants could help shape – together. “Coexistence [of different cultures] is not one of many options,” he said, referring to both Crimea and the recent Paris shootings, “It is the only way for the future. -more about ISFIT Opening Ceremony

Studentersamfundet's men's choir Pirum, modern dance group from the University of Stavanger, are coloring our night. In the opening ceremony, we wear typical clothes of each countries. I wore Kebaya, one of Indonesian costume from Java Island, Dala wore Bodo clothes, typical cloth from Makassar, Sulawesi.  So, we wore distinctive clothes from Indonesia. What a coincidence, our costumes were in red :) Indonesian delegates in other classes also wear distinctive costumes of Indonesia, kak Abraham wore Bali costume, Amar wore Sundanese costume, Naris wore Batik, etc.

with ISFIT President, Marius Jones, wearing Norwegian traditional costume.

Maria and Marius

Dala and Marius


with Lamees

With Munya and Lamees

Elizabeth is wearing Norwegian costume, and Arqum is wearing Pakistan costume

with Luqui from Argentina and Debora from Brazil

War photographer Werner Anderson, co-founder of ISFiT Jarand Rystad also inspired us with his speeches. I am very happy to join this event, could be part of ISFIT, it may seems like a dream. But in fact, it happens, and God who made everything become real. 

Like Jarand said, “think two steps ahead to create a change that lasts”. We'll do Sir, we hope we can do that.

In the night, Sofi picked me and Moses in Samfundet. Tired but happy. We shared our experiences today! Have a nice day all. Can't wait for ISFIT tomorrow. 


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