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February 13: ISFIT Day 9!; February 14: ISFIT Day 10!

Day 9! 
We had ISFIT Parliamentary today! Like ISFIT said, today is dedicated to an exhange of ideas on solutions to corruption between Norwegian and international students. The speakers and a panel of experts:

Jan Gustav: ANDEP
Pan Lonseth: PWC
Inge Amundsen:Researcher
Jeanett Bergan: KLP
Gro Skaarem: TI Norway

They will assist the discussion. The discussion was about what can young people do to reduce the values lost to corruption by 50% within 2030. These resolutions will be sent to UN. ISFIT Parliamentary is very interesting, seeing how each of the workshop representatives deliver his/her opinion based on his/her idea. How great the discussion is! 

Today, we have had several suggestions from all workshops’ solutions.
All of these suggestions are 49. 

We have to discuss first in the small group of our workshop, then we have to vote (individually) 3 best suggestions based our individually opinion. After the committee counted, we’ve already got 8 best suggestions which got the 8 rank number of voting.

The representatives have started to deliver their opinion. The debatable topic is education. Some people think education and moral principles are the basis ways and the foundation to fight corruption. But the other said, it’s difficult to decide the standard moral values for educate people. Who are going to decide what is standard and what is not. Student in the plenum discussion said, education is installing fire alarms, not just use fire fighters. 

Most of representatives didn’t agree with the solutions related to form a new commitee to fight corruption. One of them said: "If we make a new committe to investigate corruption, we will be back in ISFiT 2019 discussing that committe!

Through the debate, we learn a lot that each country has its own problem. One solution may work in one country but it won’t work in another country. Developed and developing countries have their own characteristics and also problems. One of ISFIT Parliament said: “I'm from a third world country. And we don't care about Twitter, we care about people starving”.

The solution related to technology which can reduce corruption is debatable as well. Some of them said, technology can also be corrupt, other said they didn’t believe in technology because not every part of some countries are able to get those facilities.  

Break time: Norwegian Cultural Performance, Dance Party, what a great day! 

We have to vote again until we got the best 3! We collect ours, and get closer to the resolution.
Some photos of ISFIT parliament and the plenary debate :

ISFIT Parliament 2015 has decided these resolutions:
1. Technology should be used to create transparent system to ensure:
i.    Automatization of processes such as voting procedures, tolls to decrease dependency on human services
ii. Increased transparency methods through more accountability of public records
iii. More advanced tools and reporting methods for investigation

2. Provide legal protection of people who expose corrupt behaviour, in order to encourage whistleblowing.

3. Establish an international network for media pressure and awareness campaigning run by international and local anti corruption ambassadors and NGOs. Increase public exposure to cases of corruption by using photos, articles, and campaigns of naming and shaming. 

ISFIT Resolutions!

8 suggestions after voting

ISFIT Parliamentary, Paul is our representative! 

 with Juanito! 

with Arqum, Elchin, Lamees

Mr. Jan Gustav! I learn more about UNCAC, the impact for countries which has ratified etc
Indonesia has ratified, but how about the implementation..? So, Mr Jan said ratification is different with implementation!

after ISFIT Parliamentary
photo by: Dala

Plenary Session
Activism: An Effective Way of Fighting Corruption
Speaker: Blogger from Singapore. He fight against corruption through his blog.
Kiran Bedi: Indian activist and retired policewoman who has held a number of different positions within the Indian Police Service.
Ti-Anna Wong: Chinese lawyer and human rights activist.

Activism as one of many ways to fight corruption. Today there’s a pre-party to Oda's house. We just joined the plenary session for a while, then we had a pre-party! Playing, dancing, talking, we enjoyed our togetherness. We just have 2 days more : (  Jeg will savner deg Governance family!

I didn’t join the silent disco party in Samfundet. I have to go home and meet my family! Thanks for today ISFIT J I will miss this kind of party hehe.

February 14: ISFIT Day 10!

Today, Elizabeth, our workshop leader, made some cases that we have to face. We are divided into some professions,  President, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Environment, investor, prosecutor, judge, police, etc. We have to play our role. For instance, as a public prosecutor, we have to sue the defendant in corruption cases, or as Ministry of Finance who arrange the budget for the Ministries’ operational, someone bribed you in order to manipulate the money. Should you accept or reject. Other case, if you’re in an important position of goverment office, you know the corruption happened, do you want to report to Corruption Eradication Commission or not?
It’s very great to play the role with them.
Thanks for the lesson!

We learn about some cases in bidding the contractor as well. A call for bid is supposed to be a transparent, open process where the qualified is selected to do that job. We can see our corruption rank, if we choose one process to bid, we can determine it is good or not, then we got our rank in corruption, because in the cases there’s bribery, embezzlement or other forms of corruption.  

Plenary Session: Corruption: What Now?
The speaker of this session: Aruna Roy from India and Janani Sriharan.
Through Aruna’s organization MKSS (Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathana), she is fighting corruption on a grassroots level.

Aruna said in her speech "One of the biggest challenges to fight corruption and imbalance of power is to keep the democracy alive". RTI (Right to Information) is the most important thing Aruna Roy uses in her work to empower the Indian citizens.

Janani Sriharan, our second speaker, Indian computer engineer, she used technology to enforce RTI.

"Corruption is injustice, silent is consent" - MKSS Slogan as to why engagement by the civil society is crucial.

They finish their speech by Indian song! Happy Day! 

We had a cultural night, quiz, group performances, how great this night is! Slava has to leave us this night. See you again Slava, he is very nice and kind person. Some people called him Justin Bieber from Russia :D  We’ll miss you.

Slava, our Russian friend


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