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February 15: ISFIT Day 11!

Today is the last day of ISFIT. Can you imagine? How the time goes so fast. I feel like I’ve just arrived in Oslo, Norway, then take the train to Trondheim, but sadly said today ISFIT will be over.
I don’t want to finish this. It’s really hard to say goodbye with them, my family, governance class. Oh, I have to leave Melhus in the morning, bring all my stuffs to workshop class because tomorrow I’ll take the bus to airport from NTNU student housing in Moholt, so it won’t be difficult for my family in Melhus to take me to airport. Thanks my beloved Norwegian family, Martin, Sofi, Luka, Ellie and Enzo. We have an early goodbye. Jeg will savner deg! I love my host family so much.  

We had a farewell from morning until the closing ceremony.  It is hard to say goodbye for all these beautiful days. Their spirit, their ambition and action for better future, their laugh, their dancing, their warmness. We have passed some experiences together. But it has already happened. We have to go back to face the reality, to do our tasks, to fulfill our mission in our country. J

We make some surprise for our workshop leader, Dala made video in our last day. This is a very touching moment. Romeo made a video for our workshop leader. Thanks Elizabeth, Michael, Oda, Ingvild, and Marie. They are the best!  Dala has to leave us this afternoon. Bye dear Dala! See you in Indonesia. I love her so much. One of my Indonesian delegates besties. 

before Dala leaves, don't forget to take selfie :)

Tussen Takk, Louise

Muchas gracias, Lupe

Tessekur aderim, Hazal

 Thank you, Ndatenda, Siyabonga kakulu Munya

ви благодарам Josipa

jeg will savner deg! 

ви благодарам Artan

آپ کا شکریہ Arqum

آپ کا شکریہ Ali

may-dah-say, oh-yeh-rah-don, naa goodee Michael

Muchas gracias Juanito

Asante sana Romeo

Muchas gracias Karla

Tack Edgar
Terima kasih Rekha

Danke Paul

спасибі Julia

muchas gracias Maxi

Tussen takk Ingvild

شكرا Lamees

Tussen takk Oda

Tussen takk Elizabeth

dziękuję Anja

Merci, thank you Daniel

təşəkkür edirəm Elchin

спасибо Slava

Thank you Dylan

Tussen takk Marie

Murakoze Henry

terima kasih Dala
muito obrigada Deborah
 I have taken so many photos with them :):)

Closing Ceremony!  

Beautiful music from Studentersamfundet’s symphony Orchestra, inspiring Aruna Ray, nice and funny MC, Julien S (he is telling the habits of Norwegian, cultural differences and so on). Revue workshop is also performing a show at the closing ceremony. What a great performance! 

There're also sharing experience from the dialogue group, Norwegian dance company Frikar, Snaustrinda Spelemanslag, I will miss ISFIT.

We see the video of ISFIT 2015 summary, 11-days life changing experience. Exaggerating? No, it’s true!  It’s sad we have to leave Norway. All valuable experiences will stay in my heart, spirit to eradicate corruption, passion to keep believing that there’s always hope. Because hope is life.

Marius Jones, our beloved president closed the ceremony. Tussen Takk Marius and team! This is one of the best things that had already happened in the beginning of 2015.  
He congratulated participants, volunteers, everybody who help him.

If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with mosquitos
-His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama.
That is the most beautiful way to define utopia. In today's world utopia has a bad image because it is not profitable. -Antonio M.

But utopia makes up to keep walking! It’s an honor to meet all of you, ISFIT participants. I have difficulties for expressing my feeling but thank you and I’ll miss you guys. Thanks for being a part of my life journey. Thanks for the life learning. See you again someday in another beautiful experiences. Keep fighting for our better country, for our better world.

Everything is possible in God. Keep our faith, keep our hope. Everything will be wonderful in His time. It will happen in the right time and in the place.

ISFIT 2015 Summary

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Maria, Indonesia, Check out

“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.” 
― Eleanor Roosevelt


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